Thursday 7 February 2008

The ‘Dark Side of Hypnosis’

You have surely enjoyed a good story about the ‘dark side of hypnosis’, a suspenseful tale of assassination, murder, love gone wrong or murder. The world we thrive in is full of tall tales about the dark side of hypnosis. But is there truly a dark side to hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a common and natural, part and parcel of every day life. We go in and out of hypnotic trances throughout our day. Most, are well-intentioned and harmless. However, often we get driven into an hypnotic state almost forcibly in order to convince us to buy, sell or do something that you would not normally want to do.

Who do you think are the main culprits of purposeful hypnosis, done for their own selfish reasons? You may be shocked at the answer but you will surely agree after giving it some thought:

The media, the news, advertising, the government and sometimes other peoples opinions. Shocked are you? You always thought that they care so much about you that is why they are always offering you gadgets and possessions that are far better than the ones you have now. They’ll make your life easier for you and you will finally find ultimate happiness?! And, they make you feel like that which you have now is worth nothing, because they really care that you should be happy and satisfied in life with quality products, right? That is why they spend so many hundreds of bucks in advertising ? Sorry, I know that your IQ is far higher than that, you always knew that all they want is that you should reach for your pocket. But, I’m sure that you will also agree that advertising works. You have surely bought somewhere something that you never wanted or needed because… were hypnotised?? !

Most advertising is created very purposefully, their objective and business is to influence you to buy an item, one you may be persuaded to think you need.
This is an example of the true, as un-ominous as it may sound, dark side to hypnosis. In being persuaded to buy a new car, when our current vehicle runs fine and may only need a good washing, we are not improving the self from within, we are using a material object to make ourselves feel better about our status in life.

News by definition is supposed to report recent events, intelligence and information.
However, news is no longer about bringing new happening events into our lives as it is about driving you to watch the news.

Good news would be much too repetitive and boring day after day: the sun rose, Peter had a wonderful day at work and his wife managed to stay sane while watching their four lovely children.
How often would you watch or listen to the news?
The story you will hear on the news however is Joe went to work, there was a terrorist attack and his wife could no longer manage the children so she drowned them in the bath tub. Now that’s more like it! That will catch our interest and bring us in to watch: bad news; murder, war, rape, financial instability, disease; the list is endless.

This is a glimpse into the dark side of hypnosis.

How do you compensate and keep a sane and realistic view of life? Take action in your own mind, choose what you believe, pay attention to the things that are happening around you. The easiest way not to fall victim to the ‘dark side of hypnosis’ or break negative hypnotic messages is to think rationally, critically, and originally. Know who you are……..

What IS Hypnosis?

Do you drive? Have you ever ‘zoned out’? you get behind the wheel, you know where you started and before you know it you’re at your destination.

A person will only do what he wants to do. His ethical codes and moral standards that he chooses to live his life by can never be changed by anyone, not even in the deepest hypnotic trance.

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